Monday, December 12, 2011

Female First Year Rep

My name is Jennae Marriott and I am in my first year at Bethany College. And in many ways, my life has been dramatically altered since the moment I stepped on campus three months ago. Surprisingly it is already almost the end of the first semester, and everything has moved and changed so quickly.
Have you ever been on the highway once the sun had gone down, without anybody around? That eerie, yet peaceful moment when you can see nothing but the few feet in front of you illuminated by your headlights? There is no telling what could be a mile in front of you, and no guarantee at what will greet you at your destination. This I like to compare with my life, and only recently since being here had I seen the effects of this. My life is that highway, and so often God has come along side me in order to assure me that the path I’m taking is where I am meant to be, though I can only see the few feet in front of me. Yet God has proven that his light is so much greater, and he has a plan and a destination waiting for me. Bethany has made this journey to be much more calming and reassuring as God has taken the driver seat and I’ve made such amazing friends who have joined along.

I was elected to be the female first year rep on Bethany STUCO, and I have never been more grateful for a leadership position. In the past few months, the ability to be a part of a team in which everybody brings such fresh and exciting ideas to the table, yet still takes the time to really care for one another and the student body as a whole has been incredible. It has taken me head first into the community that Bethany encourages and promotes in its students.

My biggest passion in life is the relational side of life. Loving and caring for the people around me and being able to talk about concerns, cares and comments surrounding life and school gives me great joy. The community at Bethany stretches and tugs at every string to pull people toward deep friendships and great communication with one another. These friendships have led me to get in touch with amazing examples Jesus and his love. Teachers and students alike are ready to jump up and lend a helping hand when something or someone is down.

Each day new struggles pour themselves out as I continue to grow, and each day new joys and successions are waiting to be uncovered. I am heavily involved in much of the music at school and this has led me to such amazing relationships with new people. My voice teacher and friend, Susan Goerz, has poured out God’s spirit of love, patience, kindness and faithfulness, as have many of the teachers. Pushing and prodding each student to grow and learn with each step, no matter how small or large they may be.

So for every turn of the wheel and every push forward, stories are created, relationships are built, and teachers are cheering from the side. Only five months left and many more turns left in the road.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Music has always been a hobby of mine, it’s something I’ve done for fun. I started playing piano when I was 6 years old, and though I dreaded it at times I kept with it. Soon it became fun for me, and I would just sit down and play whatever came into my head. I decided to use this talent for God’s glory and started playing for offertories and later for worship bands. I continued classical piano training until I took the exam for my grade 8 in piano. Around this time I started getting interested in composition and began writing full pieces using a keyboard and my computer. These pieces ranged from electronic to full orchestral arrangements and were a fun way to stretch my musical horizons. I developed a proficiency at improv piano, meaning that I could sit down at a piano and play, making up a song as I go along. In the summer after I graduated from Grade 12 I received an old game boy colour as a gift from a friend. This got me started in a medium called chipmusic – the making of modern music using old game consoles. Throughout the summer and the next year I learned and posted songs on some online communities for this underground music culture. In April of my first year at Bethany I entered an online international chipmusic competition, and place 2nd overall. This was very exciting and so I’ve kept up with chipmusic as a hobby since then.

While I didn’t choose to come to Bethany exclusively for its music program, it certainly is a boon to the college. Bethany has opportunities both for using musical talents in service, giving glory to God, and also opportunities to develop those talents through music lessons and ministry teams such as Point of Impact and Fixed on Faith. I took advantage of this and auditioned for the Bethany House Band in my first year (a student-run band that leads worship in chapel time every Friday). It was a great experience and continued to stretch my piano talents, and help me learn how to play in a band. This year I’m back at Bethany again, I feel I’ve improved a lot from last year and am excited to be playing with House Band again this year. I’ve continued with my chipmusic, and recently was invited to play at the Nuit Blanche art celebration at the Winnipeg art gallery. Nuit Blanche is an international art day in celebration of under-appreciated art forms, the art gallery in Winnipeg decided to focus on gaming culture as an art form. It is a large event, with more than 4000 predicted attendees.

Throughout the rest of this year, I plan to work towards recording a solo piano album here at the school, and look forward to playing my Eigenharp (a new electronic instrument) as a contribution to House Band.

By: Chris Penner (2nd Year)

Or listen here:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A word from the President

By Howie Wall

Many things have happened this summer at the college and in my day-to-day life that have caused me to stop and like Mary the Mother of Jesus, "ponder these things in her (my) heart." NIV translates Luke 2.19 as "but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often." I suggest this is an understatement, but it does describe a return of these things to Mary's thoughts on a regular basis.

This summer my wife Judy and I had the chance to fulfill one of our dreams which was to go to Paris, France. While there, we enjoyed going to art galleries, seeing historic monuments and sights, and touring some of France's oldest cathedrals and churches. We had the chance to climb to the top of Notre Dame de Paris and view the city from high above, climbing to the top of one of the cathedral's bell towers. On the way up, we were able to enjoy face-to-face contact with some of the many gargoyles that adorm the exterior. This gargoyle is said to be the most photographed gargoyle of the cathedral, and probably in the world. This gargoyle has watched over Paris from this spot for several hundred years. It has seen the day-to-day comings and goings of life in Paris and the plaza below, along with many monumental events including the terror, anarchy, and strife of the French Revolution, but also seeing celebrations including weddings and coronations of royalty and emperors.

Spending time in Notre Dame de Paris, we saw that Mary the Mother of Jesus is highly revered not only in this cathedral named in her honour, but also in most Catholic churches throughout France. France is described as a formerly Roman Catholic country, where now, the church has little or no influence in the lives or affairs of people.

This summer, like this gargoyle, I have been watching the happenings going on around me. In the last four months, I have seen God work miracles in terms of provision for the college. As a family, we are experiencing the miracle of life anticipating becoming a grandfather of a granddaughter before you return in September. I have been hoping for, but not seeing, a miracle of reconciliation in friends' lives and in their marriage that is rapidly breaking apart. I have discovered that there has been a lot of healing in my family's life over the loss of our son a number of years ago during a time this summer where I was praying for and empathizing with a family, who too experienced the loss of a young adult child.

God continues to work miracles today, and like the gargoyle watching over the city of Paris, I find myself watching day-to-day life around me, and like Mary, considering all these things. I find myself saying frequently, "Isn't that interesting how God is working?"

Social Insurance Number...

By Lisa Braun

Does this look familiar? These scenes will be replayed again this fall - orientation in the chapel, and registration in A105 classroom and the library. For first years, no need to worry - the entire Orientation/Registration process is designed to help you as you make decisions for your semester and year. Helpful faculty, staff, and students are positioned all along the way to assist you with your questions and paperwork.

This is a reminder from the Business Office that your Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.) is required during the Registration process this fall. Don't forget it!

Remember- if you have any questions about Opening and Arrival, keep checking the blog and facebook. Or email us your questions - maybe someone else has the same one! Thanks. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Job Posting Page

By Lisa Braun

Did you know that there is a new employment tool on the MB Herald and Canadian Conference of MB Churches site?

Well, there is.

Check it out.

Athletic News

By Wes Enns

The gym eerily echoes every footstep, each ball bounce, the overhead fans turning slowly - it's empty, cold, dark. The arena too is dead, damp, cool and quiet. It's the off-season, the Eagles have gone and have not yet returned. All is in the waiting...

Soon, very soon, they will come back - the athletes, the fans, the coaches - and with them will come exuberance, excitement, slapshots, kicks, hoops and hops. Now it is anticipation, but it will soon be action. Now it is preparation, but it will soon be perspiration. The time is near...

Are you in? Are you ready? This year's Eagles Athletics seasons are about to begin, and we want to hear from you! Some things are changing - league play, Sunday games, home games and away games - but some things will remain the same - competition, character, development, the love of the game. Let us know if you want to be part of it all this year!

We're looking to put together Men's and Women's Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, and Basketball teams this year, as well as Men's Hockey. But we can't do it without you! Right now, we're finding and confirming the right coaches, but we also need to know how many of you are interested in playing for Bethany this year.

Volleyball is staying in the PAC League; Basketball, Soccer, and Hockey will participate in Saskatoon Rec Leagues, ensuring good competition and regular games. Due to this change, however, some tough decisions will need to be made for those athletes wanting to play more than one or two sports, and so we need your help.

If you want to play, send me an email - I would love to hear from you!

See ya soon!
Wes Enns
Athletics Director

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Announcement Season....

By Lisa Braun

You will be seeing several announcements a week on the blog from now until the year begins. I will be linking to facebook groups, and sending emails as well. Please spread the word to your friends, and make sure everyone gets in the loop in one or more of these ways.

First up?

Student Loans

By Dan Guggenheimer

If you are planning to apply for student loans for the coming year, please do so now. Application requires input and information from your parents, so it is much easier to accomplish at home with your parents close by.

You can apply online at Please initiate this process prior to August 19, 2011 to beat the rush. For further information, please contact me at 306-947-2175 or

All the best and see you soon,


Director of Finance

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Introducing.....Michael Morson

Name: Michael Morson

Years of Study: 2004-2008

Involvements: Missions Committee, YA music; also YA music as alum with "Ryan Brickard Band"

Married: Chelsea Jantzen, 2007. (Current students, this is Joel Jantzen's sister).

Church Involvements: Forest Grove Community Church, Saskatoon, SK - attended since 2002; did B.A. internship at Forest Grove in 2008; served on Council 2008-2011.

"I desire to work full-time in Christian ministry for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This desire is something that I've had for a number of years. However, like many desires that are left unfulfilled for a time, it has grown into something quite unrecognizable from what it was when it was first conceived. To show you what I mean, let me give you a brief sketch of my thought and attitude as a first year Bethany student in 2004.

I didn't want to go to seminary. I made fun of seminaries. In fact, I made fun of theology. I thought theology and seminaries were for people who wanted to sit around and debate useless minutia that had no bearing on the lives of everyday people. My thinking was that the basics of the Christian faith were glaringly obvious, and we needed to get busy "being the hands and feet" instead of trying to gain understanding in areas of thought that were unknowable. I had no desire to go to a graduate school or seminary when I ought to be busy living it out instead of thinking it out.

Fast-forward a few years to the end of my time at Bethany. In 2008, as a fourth year student, I could not possibly picture entering full-time ministry without furthering my education and deepening my knowledge of God's word and world.

In order to do that, I will begin studies at Regent College this fall. Let me be clear that I do understand that this path is not for everybody entering ministry. At the same time, I continually grow in astonishment at our lax attitude toward biblical and theological illiteracy among Christians. The world doesn't work like I thought it did as a first year.

You don't decide between living it out and thinking it out. Bible and God-soaked thinking drive Bible and God-soaked living. I think so that I can live; and I live so that whatever I do, I do all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10.31)."

Submitted by Mike Morson, via Gil Dueck, July 2011.

Closing Notes from LB:

-To find out more about Regent College, check out

-Do you know Bethany alumni who have gone on to study at seminary, and might want to write a feature?

-And a trivia question....can you name any Bethany staff members who have studied at Regent College?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

News from MCI

By Lisa Braun

Did you hear Elya's news? She recently accepted a position as Residence Life Co-ordinator at Mennonite Collegiate Institute (MCI) in Gretna, MB.

LB: Elya, why are you heading off to Gretna?

EP: I feel like it's a natural next step after my internship at Bethany. I loved being the RD last year, and found it amazing that, essentially, spending time with people can be a job. I learned through things that went well and things that could have gone better more of what it means to be a caregiver and follower of Jesus. I am pumped for this opportunity to put what I've learned into practice at MCI!

LB: What are you expecting in your new role?

EP: I'm not totally sure what to expect. I'm mostly excited, but a decent amount of nervous as well. I'm expecting it to be a challenging year, but a good one. I am excited about the hanging out part, the possibility of helping with drama staff, and being able to spend time with an age group other than peers.

LB: What does a Residence Life Co-ordinator do?

EP: The job involves planning events, which is SO fun for me, and I get to do that and help the RA's do that. I also do a lot of supervision (homework time, extra-curricular activities, regular routines, snack, etc), working with RA's in general, taking care of student needs, being there to listen. Some other things, but those are the basics.

LB: When do you move?

EP: I'm moving at the end of August, and start the 31st. The first thing that happens is a weekend retreat, a professional development event. Students arrive about a week later, so then it's pretty much straight into it!

LB: What kind of team will you be a part of?

EP: There are 4 other residence life staff, two female and two male. The other female besides me is the supervisor, and the two guys have the same position as me.

LB: Anything else?

EP: An interesting tidbit! Bethany Players were there on tour in my first year (2008), and I remember meeting one of the female deans and totally admiring her and the job she was doing. I never thought about this or doing the job there until second semester this year (2011) that's kind of neat.

LB: All the best, Elya! We are very proud of you. Many blessings and much love from all of us at Bethany and in Student Development!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

News from Young Life Saskatoon

By Lisa Moran (with Calvin Rempel, Bethany 4th year BA student)

Greetings friends. I am just over 24 hours away from pulling out of Saskatoon for the inaugural trip to Rockridge Canyon with campers from Saskatoon (and excited to be making history!) I am being joined by another leader, Calvin Rempel, to travel with five kids from Confederation Park School to help them have the best week of their lives!

It's been a journey getting these five kids to camp, as B.C. is a long way from Saskatoon. We are excited about the kids we are bringing and anticipate a life-changing week.

Calvin and I are both asking people to pray for us while we are away. It is so crucial knowing there are people not only lifting us and kids up to God while we're away, but also cheering us on as we have both fantastic and challenging adventures this next week. I am driving my van to Calgary tomorrow, then join the group from Calgary on a bus on Thursday morning, and return back to Saskatoon on Thursday, July 21.

Please pray:
- for energy as I (Moran) have to drive part of the way, and as I am not as young as I used to be when taking kids to camp
- for my physical condition: I don't do well in the heart and I have also recently been nursing a repetitive stress injury in my foot and leg (which I'm getting aggressive chiropractic treatment for). I know that it will hinder me some but I really don't want it to draw unneeded attention to me while there
- for the hearts of each kid we're bringing
- for guidance as we walk alongside campers in our cabins, campers who may consider making a decision for Christ for the first time
- for a few financial loose ends - we have raised nearly all the money needed for the kids, but would still like to raise another $1000 - Please let me know if you feel led to help
- for Calvin who is spending a longer stretch of time at camp, serving in the cabins and with tech duties

Thanks to all the Bethany community for your ongoing friendship and support. Watch for an update after we've returned from camp, with some stories from us and some of the campers hopefully.

Lisa Moran
Area Director, Young Life Saskatoon

Ready for RD's

By Lisa Braun

Residence Directors are very important to Bethany campus life and the Student Development Team.

Just counted down - only 27 days until they come to campus!

Both Dwight Bennett and Adriana Schmidt enter into their new roles as interns, enrolled in Bethany's B.A. internship program. We look forward to their arrival and their contributions during the month of August and the year to come.

Here's a quick feature on Dwight. (One from Adriana to follow soon).

Name: Dwight Bennett

Bethany Involvements: Bethany Player 2008-2009, Chapel Band 2009-2010, Drama Committee Chair 2010-2011

Hometown: West St. Paul, Manitoba

Home Church: Eastview Community Church

Favorite Food: Pizza, of course

Favorite Bible Character: Samson

Favorite Bible Verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4.6.

Favorite Music Genre: 80's Hair Metal

Favorite Carbonated Beverage: Sprite

Favorite Movie: Legends of the Fall

First Job: Office Cleaner in a Woodworking Shop

Hidden Talent: Incredibly gifted singer

Hobbies: Movies (watching and making), Music (listening and making), Acting, Cleaning his room (you heard right!)

Ministry Passion: Children and youth

What would your epitaph read? "Dwight Bennett...You had to know him...."

Three most influential people: My Dad, my Mom, my brothers.

Influential books: The Bible of course, Heartbreak and Triumph by Shawn Michaels, Under the Still Standing Sun by Dora Dueck

Best Gift: I've received a lot of great gifts in my life that could be classified as "best gift" but the one that stands out the most is a birthday card that played "The Final Countdown" by Europe.

Where in the world would you go? Ireland to see the Celtic Woman, or Christchurch, New Zealand to see Hayley Westenra.

Beginning on August 8, his office will be in B115 and his email will be

We are happy to welcome Dwight to the Student Development Team!

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is Simunye?

By Lisa Braun

Find out here.

Simunye is the name for the MCC team in South Africa. You can find out what Spencer Nikkel, Matt Bergen, Rebecca Davies, Luke Heidebrecht (Associate Mission Director, Bethany Simunye Leader), and Myriam Ullah (MCC Simuye Leader) are doing from July 3-25.

This is an exciting partnership between Bethany College and MCC Sask (and Alberta) to offer this learning experience for young adults from various locations. Check it out and post comments for your friends!

Drop me a line about your summer adventures and we'll blog about it!

Blessings on your summer,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Important Dates for 2011-2012

First Semester:
Returning Student Arrival – Friday, September 2, 2011 by evening
Returning Student Orientation and Registration – Saturday, September 3
New Student Arrival – Sunday, September 4, beginning at 2pm
First Year Orientation – Monday, September 5
First Year Registration – Monday, September 5
Photo Day - Monday, September 5
First Day of Classes – Tuesday, September 6
Residence Orientation - Tuesday, September 6, 8.45pm
Drop/Add Deadline - Monday, September 12
Service Learning Trips Orientation - Spetember 20-21
Service Learning Trips - September 22-29
3rd Year Modular Week – September 24-29
Thanksgiving Break – October 7 (noon) – 10 (evening)
Day of Prayer – October 19
Fall Theatre Production - November 4-5
Term Break – November 10 (noon) – 13 (evening)
Christmas Concert - December 3-4
Last Selah (Chapel) – December 14
Last Day of Classes - December 15
Christmas Banquet - December 16
Winter Registration Session - December 16
Exams December 19-21 (noon) **
Christmas Break – December 21 (noon) – January 8 (evening)

**Please keep this in mind while making travel arrangements for Christmas break. The exam rescheduling fee is $50/exam.

Second Semester:
All Student Arrival - January 8, 2012 by evening
Modular Week - January 9-13
Regular Classes Begin – January 16
Drop/Add Deadline-Friday, January 27
Youth Advance—February 3-5
Youth Advance Rest Day – Monday, February 6 – see campus postings for lessons; evening classes meet as regularly scheduled
Winter Break – February 17 (noon) – 21 (evening)
Day of Prayer – March 14
Continuance of Study Session - March 27 at 11.15 am (Chapel)
Student Government Elections – March 26
Easter Break - April 5 (noon) - 9 (evening classes meet as regularly scheduled)
Last Selah (Chapel) – April 13
Last Day for Assignments - April 14
Last Day of Classes - April 16
Exams - April 17-19**
All Student Brunch, Survey, Grad Rehearsal, and Campus Clean-up Day - April 19
Year-End Party - April 20
Spring Concert - April 21
Grad Banquet - April 21
Commencement - April 22
Spring Tours – April 24 - May 8
Summer Break – April 23 (evening) – August 30

Friday, June 3, 2011

From the office of Lisa Braun

Dear Students,

We miss you all, and are shocked by how fast May slipped by us. For me, I mark the start of the new year after June board meetings. Those meetings start tonight. So now we look ahead to the 2011-2012 year. Wild!

What are you all up to? Hope it's good, exciting, challenging, growing, learning, serving, loving kinds of things.

Some important news here, so read on....

It is with pleasure that I announce several new hires at Bethany College for the coming year! Drum roll please!

As of June 1, Cliff Brandes begins as Alumni and Donor Relations Field Representative. Cliff is well acquainted with Bethany, after sending his three children here, and then last year, attending a first year student (often found at a favourite table in the cafeteria). Cliff is well suited for this role having spent his previous career in client services within the financial industry. His love for people and his love for the College fit well as he serves the supporting community of the College in this role.

As of July 1, Randi Rempel will be the new Associate Dean of Women. Randi is very familiar with this place, and understands the unique role that Student Development has at Bethany. Randi comes to this role with a great love for you after her great year as Student Development Assistant, and contributing to big picture strategic developments in our department (Personal Discernment Process, on-line survey, retention work, young alumni data work, mentoring placements, and more). Her passion for working with RAs, mentoring students, and teamwork will be a welcome addition to the team.

As of August 1, Wes Enns will be the new Athletics Director. Wes comes to us during a sabbatical year from Rosslyn Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. (This is where Adriana went to high school!) Wes graduated from Bethany in 1992 with a Diploma of Biblical Studies. From there, he went on to get a B.Ed from U of M with a double major in Physical Education and English Literature, and, most recently, a Masters in Leadership from the Pan Africa Christian University in Nairobi. Wes will focus attention on the changing dynamics of our Athletics Department and help us bring it into even greater alignment with our Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. He will also lead Youth Advance Committee, and serve in other areas of teaching and coaching. His wife Jeannie is alumn material as well, and they will move into the campus house behind the gym, with their three children Ezra (12), Isaiah (10), and Julia (5).
Please welcome and pray for them as they make transitions, large and small, to enter into their new roles and places of influence!

Have good summer adventures! Here's Rob and I on the SkyTrain in Vancouver in May, the kids were right at the front peering out the window, so they are not pictured here! And I am off for another big trip in 10 sleeps!



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Introducing...Danelle Kasdorf

Lisa Braun here - Let me introduce you to Danelle. I met Danelle van Nes in my first year at Bethany (1998-1999). She was the STUCO Recreation Chair, and so we worked together at Leadership Week to plan opening week events. I also had the privilege of working with her as the senior Youth Advance Committee member in 1999-2000. What a planner and organizer! I have fond memories of visiting her dorm room in North Court, and giving her and her friends permission to wear old Bethany Eagle jerseys during men’s basketball games.

Name: Danelle (van Nes) Kasdorf
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Program: Bachelor in Christian Ministries 2000
Employment Role: Mother, Household Manager
Employer: Kasdorf Family

I am an organized person. In fact, I thought I had my whole life planned out. The plan was to go to Bible School, meet an awesome guy, settle down and have two kids. Well, I was one of the first to register for Bethany for the 1997-1998 year. And I did indeed meet a wonderful man, Danny Kasdorf (1997-1999) and married him in 2000. We decided to settle down in Winnipeg. Danny had just graduated from a tech college and was starting work as a web designer/developer. I found work at a Christian supply distributor and later at MBCI. And we waited to start our family, we waited and waited.

Finally in the summer of 2007 we were overjoyed to find out that we were expecting. We welcomed Janaya Helene into our family in March of 2008. Now life seemed to be going according to my plan again. In the fall of 2009 we discovered we were expecting again. There, two kids, just right according to MY plan. In February 2010 at the routine 20 week ultrasound we got a HUGE surprise. We were expecting TWINS!!!!!! My mind started going through the check list. What about the cute little house we had strategically bought to hold our future family of four? What about the car we had spent 7 years saving up for only to have to trade it in for a van? How are we going to manage twins? What if there are born really early? What if they are sick? Can we stretch one income that far?

It was a huge reminder that I am not in charge of my life. I can plan and plan as much as I want, but God is in control. And boy, have we ever learned to rely on him this year. I was reminded of a favourite verse: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Well, after a few more months of anxiousness, Joshua Evan and Jenna Catherine were born full term and healthy weighing 6 lbs 1 oz and 7 lbs 7 oz. We’re nearing the twins’ first birthday and celebrating that we’ve made it. There have been some crazy moments and a lot of adjusting needed but we’ve made it. Thank you Lord for seeing us through it all. And we’ll wait to see what is next according to YOUR plan.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Introducing...Chantelle Funk

This is Chantelle Funk and her family. She and her husband are entrepreneurs establishing a business in Kelowna while they raise two young sons. Chantelle also serves on the Board of Directors at Bethany College where she passionately challenges us to think creatively in our ministry. She brings her workplace fundraising experience and her business skills to the board and helps in focusing our mission: Nurturing Disciples and Training Leaders to Serve. Life for Chantelle is lived in relationship with God as she brings the issues of her life honestly and directly to Him. Here are some insightful and challenging words from her.
~Howie Wall, President

Be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). I get the praying thing, I get the giving thanks bit, but being joyful ALWAYS?!?!? What about most of the time? I think I was born cynical and jaded and have had to work my way up to being content in every situation but God is trying to show me that it is possible to live up another step – with joy. Always. Joyce Meyer said something that I wrote on my calendar: “An attitude of trust releases joy in our lives.” I read it every time I passed my calendar for two weeks. On January 13 my husband had a seizure out of the blue (later revealed to be a benign brain tumour) and after a long day trying to take care of our business and kids and being at the hospital, I walked past my calendar and read that quote again. At a moment when I had every excuse NOT to be joyful or feel joyful, I CHOSE to trust – whatever, whenever, I trust you Lord, my times are in your hands. And the next few weeks my joy increased even as all my circumstances gave reasons for the opposite.

The verse God gave me for 2011 is from John 15:5 “I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.” The chapter goes on to talk about love and obedience and then in verse 11: “I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.” And there it is – another step in my journey of learning about joy. I dwell in Christ, cut off from everything but him, I obey his commands, I live as a flow-through of his love; receiving it and giving back out to others – and His joy is complete and overflowing in my life. I may have to look on the bright side of things after all.

Chantelle Funk (nee Priebe)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Team Awards

On April 6, the Bethany community took a moment to celebrate the accomplishments of specific individuals from the Ministry Arts and Athletics teams. This has been a great year for both departments, having seen great involvement and success. It was an extremely enjoyable Selah and the Bethany community supported the award winners tremendously.

Paul Woodburn (Ministry Arts Director) opened the Selah with special acknowledgment for this year’s House Band (Joe Molina, Nick Poetker, David Zentner, and Chris Penner) for their weekly ministry to the Bethany community in their leading of music worship in Friday Selahs. He also noted the ministry of Fixed on Faith (Kevin Dyck, Cambria Hiebert, and Jay Nguyen), a new team which served in local churches by providing music worship leadership.

Point of Impact and Bethany Players had three award categories. The first was for Growth, given to the team member who displayed the most improvement since the start of the year. The second was for Team Builder, awarded to the team member who was most helpful in the development of team unity and bonding. The third was for Guide, awarded to the team member who was most helpful in shaping and maintaining the spiritual health of the team.

Nick Boschman (Athletics Director) also presented awards for each of the athletics teams this year. The three awards were for Most Improved, Most Valuable, and Christian Leadership. The coaches of each team provided comments about each award winner, adding a personal touch for each recipient.

The award winners were as follows:

Point of Impact
Growth: Tyrel Klassen
Team Builder: Dan Kroeker
Guide: Cam Kearney

Bethany Players
Growth: Erin Willems
Team Builder: Erick Penner
Guide: Carley Snaith

Men’s Volleyball
Most Improved: Tim Peters
Most Valuable: Kendell Wiens
Christian Leadership: Steve Dueck

Women’s Volleyball
Most Improved: Vanessa Kroeker
Most Valuable: Erin Bader
Christian Leadership: Erin Bader

Men’s Indoor Soccer
Most Improved: Austin Gagne
Most Valuable: Kendell Wiens
Christian Leadership: David Zentner

Women’s Indoor Soccer
Most Improved: Terri Omani
Most Valuable: Kiley Zdunich
Christian Leadership: Kaylee Buhler

Men’s Hockey
Most Improved: Brad Bergen
Most Valuable: Aaron Willems
Christian Leadership: Mike Brandt

Congratulations to all the award winners and to all the teams for a great 2010-2011 season!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Honouring Special Days

By Lisa Braun

These beautiful handcrafted spectacles were done in honour of a special day in Maddie's class, called Day 100. They celebrate it because the children have completed 100 days of full-time school in Hepburn. And they also received stickers which said "100 days smarter!" Check out the picture closely and you'll see it. Love it.

Maddie was super pumped about this day.

I was wondering this morning - What if we threw a party called "Day 221"? Because today is 221 days since first year arrival. 223 d if you are an upperclassmen, and 228 d if you were at student leadership week. (If my math is correct, feel free to correct me). It will be 224 days on commencement.

What would it look like for you if you considered how you have grown and changed in the past 221 days?

I have been blessed to see people grow in
critical thinking skills
and more....

I have been blessed to see people change in
and more......

How about you? What have you seen? In your life and in those around you?

Day 221. It's a good one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sitting in the Outer Office

By Lisa Braun

Drinking orange juice.
Talking to Sara and Randi and Nick.
Thinking about how much I love it when students grow.
Wanting to write.
Loving it when we discern together.
Humming my new favorite song (The Rock by Michael Neale).
Working on intern evaluations.
Perched up at the glass table.
Glad to be here.
Glad to be alive.
Glad it's Friday.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mentorship with a difference

"When I have the opportunity for conversation with pastors, I like to ask, "What is the biggest need in your congregation in the area of harnessing human capacity?" In a recent conversation, the answer given was quick and emphatic: "Mentorship."

This creative pastor saw mentorship as a way to harness the human capacity of different generations. The mentorship plan he was working out focused on roles within the church. In the area of worship, for example, his experiment was to identify a young person with interest or potential aptitude. That youth would be partnered with an older person who had experience in worship-leading roles, who would coach and support the young person in trying out the role.

This is a simple plan, but what an effective way to harness gifts! I wonder if this is what farmers used to do when they would put a young work horse in a team with an older, experienced horse. Think of the advantages of a system like this over more usual ways of inserting a new person into a new role:

It is personal. Instead of only reading a job description to provide information, this process engages the feeling part of the brain by putting the learner in touch with a caring person.

It is expressive. The older person has an opportunity to communicate the passion he has for the activity, which can lead to a deep response in the youth.

It is supportive. The younger person has someone to ask about problems and challenges in the role. Obvious gaps can be filled in ways that prevent embarrassment.

It makes use of skills. Often older people have developed the skills of listening and empathizing, which can be put to good use in a one-on-one working relationship.

It supports friendship. A positive by-product of the mentoring relationship is that people become friends across generations, perhaps gaining greater insight into each other's culture.

Another way of looking at mentorship is that it recovers the role of the elder, which we may have lost in recent times. Older people are given a positive way to contribute at the same time as they begin the well-deserved process of stepping back.

What are some other roles where mentorship could be well used? Could one mentor young church board members, deacons, teachers or preachers?"

Bob Wiebe is president of Enliven! Consulting, whose motto is "Helping harness human capacity." This short feature appeared in the Canadian Mennonite, December 20, 2010 (p. 12).

RESPONSE Suggestions by LB:
1. Read Reverse Mentoring - it reminds us "older" ones that we have something to learn from those younger than us, those we mentor. (I will post the full details on this book title soon - it's in my office right now!)

2. Ask people for their stories of mentoring in the church. I am putting out a challenge to Randy Toman to write his story on becoming a church moderator.

3. Comment on this article.

4. For this spring/summer season, consider who you might ask to mentor and who you might ask to mentor you in your church setting.

(Sharing a love of reading and road-tripping, Maddie and my Mom, summer 2009,
on the way to Saskatchewan's largest tree).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

STUCO: "We put the fun in functional"

Drama – film festival is April 1, at 730pm or later start time. Contact is Dwight. Deadline of March 28 for posters and films to Dwight.

Missions – square dance event is April 2, at 730pm, fundraising for Japan Tsunami Relief. Open to the community. $2/entrance. Fundraising will be done through a dessert fundraiser. Talk to Spencer.

Bylaws update – if you are STUCO committee supervisor, feel free to discuss committee bylaws with your STUCO chairperson, and give them support and assistance in this area. Talk to Nick P.

Music/Social Rec/Café – coffeehouse is March 27, at 900pm, in the mall. Open to Bethany team and family members. Open mike for instrumental or vocal. Set by Cambria Hiebert. Talk to Cam and Jay.

If you have questions about any of these events, please talk to the student leaders listed.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Interning Thoughts...

The next few posts come to us courtesy of some of our interns who are out and about this year. Our first post is from Clark Holmes who is interning at Redberry Bible Camp. He is recently married to his lovely wife Kelsey (Regehr) and together they are learning the ins and outs of married camp life.


I have been pondering what humility looks like in servant leadership. Humility, to me, is when someone remembers who they are in light of who God is and doesn’t desire to elevate themselves more than their fellow man. I find that humility is a biblical model for leading people but I am searching for the phrase, or even foundation, for being a servant leader. In my mind I pictured someone who is trying to please everyone and will do whatever it takes to see their followers still smiling. But that isn’t the picture I’ve been finding as I look through the pages of Scripture.

I think that lately some Christians have thought that putting two good words together will make the phrase even better than if there were only one. Moses led the people with the authority given him. Peter pronounced judgment on Annanias and Saphira without making sure they would be happy first. And even though Jesus was a servant to all he called the baby by its name when Peter wanted to make sure the Son of Man wouldn’t have to suffer and die. Humility appears to be something God-oriented and being a servant or leader sounds like an attribute judged by our human interactions. Therefore to “learn humility in servant leadership” seems paradoxical.

To call oneself humble in regards to people before we approach God’s throne on our faces is lying. The best case scenario would be us assuming a door-mat position with other people. This, in reality, is allowing other people to define where we should be going and who we should become. It leaves little room for God. We would profess to put others before ourselves but we are also putting others before God. When God comes in second or third all who compete lose because God doesn’t win.

My pondering boils down to this: What order does humility, servanthood, and leadership come in? To be a leader first - without humility and a servant-heart - is cold at best and tyrannical at the worst. And without first grasping the kingdom-reality of who we are we could become self-deprecating and diffident where we lack all self-confidence and the boldness we should have in our God-given gifts. In other words, for a servant to bloom into a leader they must first learn humility.

Humility is plainly remembering who we are in Christ; not more or less. Wretched yet saved; redeemed but not all there yet. I will cede that we can learn this in the throes of serving and leading but if we as yet don’t possess a humble attitude there will be an extreme level of patience necessitated from those whom we are serving or leading. The polite and loving boldness we can have in all areas of life, if we possess true humility, is worth opening ourselves to be taught such a foundational treasure.

Isaiah 2:11
The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled
and human pride brought low;
the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This week in STUCO World

- Student leader discernment in process. List of names for STUCO elections will be posted soon. See Hillary K or Nick P if you are a late inquiry for any position.

- Blood drive - see Spencer for details.

- Games night called “Shuffle your buns” – like musical chairs and other group games – Fri March 25, evening 7/8pm.- Coffeehouse - Sunday, March 27 in the mall, 9pm start – joint event with Social Rec, Music and Café Committees. Free regular coffee from Café, fancy drinks still for $$.

- Fan Van to Nipawin - on weekend of March 25 or 26, details to come.

- Film festival - Friday April 1, evening.

- Square dance event - Saturday, April 2 – open to the Hepburn community, student fundraising projects, dessert auction, more details to come.

Twin day - Tuesday, April 5.

Lent is a time for listening

I am not by nature an early riser. It has been quite the joke in my family of origin because my middle name is "Dawn."

If given the choice and the space, I could still sleep in like the best of them, leisurely rising around mid-morning followed by brunch and several strong cups of coffee. These days, however, my morning starts between 7.00 and 8.00am and includes my own routine, Maddie's school checklist and sing-songs, the random ideas of Joshy-boy always at full-speed, Rob and his quiet patterns, and our bonus family member, Kaylee. Good times.

Back in my cow-milking days, I was up before 7.00 to go hand-milk 1-3 cows before breakfast. Yikes. My parents were convinced it was a plan to ensure I could be at least civil by the time the porridge hit the table. Not always successful.

Somewhere along the way, I took back the morning. (This is probably another whole post or reflection). So, I may not be an early riser on a consistent basis, but these days before my feet hit the floor, I grab gratitude, peace, and wisdom for the day from the One who generously provides. I pray breath prayers. I give up my day and myself to my Maker. And I start.

But back to today. Today I opened my eyes, awake, fully awake, and thinking clearly. I rolled over to see the clock, and it shocked me with a 5.30 reading. Seriously. Seriously?

First step, pray for my sister (because she lives in a different time zone).
Second, give up any concerns or stresses that might be rattling around in my head.
Third, snuggle back under the covers because my alarm is still set for just after 7.
Fourth......I am still awake.
Fifth, listen.

Then, an amazing and crazy idea popped into my head. And I bolted out of bed to write it down, to write an email. And now I am writing here.

And I was reminded.....Lent is a time for listening.

Listening to pray
Listening to surrender
Listening to rest
Listening to respond
Listening to create
Listening to act
Listening to encourage
Listening to challenge
Listening to share

Lent is a time for listening.

Maybe Lent is not so much about merely "subtraction",
about what we are in a rush to give up
candy, coffee, chocolate, unnecessary grumbling....
or even about "addition",
about what we take up because we ought
prayer, giving, service.....
but more about "multiplication"
through listening and obedience.

"O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayers
unto You I will look up" (Psalms 5).


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

On writers and writing

By Lisa Braun

"In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write"

(Pearl S. Buck).

Writing. Since I was about 14 years old, maybe even earlier, I have been keeping journals. Sometimes on one-sided paper (thanks Dad) that was holepunched to fit in my red Herbert Laurels school binder, sometimes in hard-cover lined journals from Zellers, but I was writing. Perhaps it started around the time each of us Peters kids got into the Pioneer Girls/Brigade devotional magazines, but it hasn't stopped. There have been fits and starts at various points in my life with journalling, but I write on. My favorite forms today are the black hardcover journals from Shoppers, or the sometimes short, sometimes long facebook notes (the lazy girl's blog, I call it).

Writing. Two years ago for Lent, I gave myself over to writing. Not willingly, but with great will. Not necessarily filled with joy, but rather with choice. I called the 40 days (plus a good chunk more) my penance, petition, sacrifice, and offering. Not because I wanted to, or at least not completely. But because I had to. I was compelled. By something outside myself, but not particularly divine or holy, or at least it didn't seem so at the time. But rather, by the university. The deadline for my Masters Project was looming, and I couldn't see any other way to completion except to carve out daily time -- as much as I could grasp -- from every possible other option. Sometimes I managed 1 hour, some days I wrote for up to 8, but did I ever write. At the keyboard in my office, at the kitchen island, at the computer nook. I got up early, and I stayed up late. I was whole-hearted in my devotion. Somewhere early in the process, I decided that this offering would be my joy to give that Lenten season. Man, it was hard, but I experienced something incredible in those many hours alone with my work and my God. Something about being consecrated and set apart. There's a lot of stories in that season, just ask me sometime. I wrote every day. Every day. I feel overwhelmed just thinking about that time.

Writing. A few days ago, I spent some time brainstorming and scribbling with two scraps of paper and a good black pen on the ride home to Hepburn from Regina. Comfortably settled in the co-pilot's chair. Trying to capture my vision for why I write, and why I want to share what I write, and why I want to create space for others to write. And I came up with some ideas for the blog. I hope to reveal a bit here and there, especially as I learn more about designing pages, making links, and other great blogging basics. If you are good at this stuff, stop by and teach me something new sometime. But I will write. And if you don't see something for awhile, ask me.

I've been thinking about
Feature ideas and topics like
Finding other writers
Staff, faculty, students, alumni, and friends
Special review columns (on music, coffee places, etc)
Stories about people
Links to cool things
Starting to add blogs to follow
and more.

If you want to write, join me, be brave, and step up to the blog.

PS I think I recruited my first official writer, Sara Jantzen. First post on music you gotta give a listen to, coming soon! Sara, what's going to be your first deadline?

STUCO Updates

1. Missions – Spencer Nikkel

- Blood drive – coming next week (March 14th week).

- Square dance event - Saturday, April 2 – open to the Hepburn community, student fundraising projects, dessert auction, more details to come.

2. Social Rec – Cam Kerney

- Coffeehouse - Sunday, March 27 in the mall, 9pm start – joint event with Social Rec, Music and Café Committees. Free regular coffee from Café, fancy drinks still for $$.

- Twin day - Tuesday, April 5.

- Games night called “Shuffle your buns” – like musical chairs and other group games – Fri March 25, evening 7/8pm.

3. Sports Rec – Steve Johnson

- Blades games - Wednesday, March 16, evening.

- Fan Van to Nipawin - on weekend of March 25 or 26, details to come.

- Handball - Thursday, March 10, 9pm.

- Life sized fooseball - Friday, March 11 aft.

4. Drama – Dwight Bennett

- Improv night - Sunday, March 13, 9pm

- Film festival - Friday April 1, evening

5. Spiritual Life – Rebecca Davies

- Day of Prayer - Wednesday, March 9, starts with brunch at 10am

- Day of Prayer Worship Night - Wednesday, March 9, starts at 7pm, community welcome