Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ready for RD's

By Lisa Braun

Residence Directors are very important to Bethany campus life and the Student Development Team.

Just counted down - only 27 days until they come to campus!

Both Dwight Bennett and Adriana Schmidt enter into their new roles as interns, enrolled in Bethany's B.A. internship program. We look forward to their arrival and their contributions during the month of August and the year to come.

Here's a quick feature on Dwight. (One from Adriana to follow soon).

Name: Dwight Bennett

Bethany Involvements: Bethany Player 2008-2009, Chapel Band 2009-2010, Drama Committee Chair 2010-2011

Hometown: West St. Paul, Manitoba

Home Church: Eastview Community Church

Favorite Food: Pizza, of course

Favorite Bible Character: Samson

Favorite Bible Verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4.6.

Favorite Music Genre: 80's Hair Metal

Favorite Carbonated Beverage: Sprite

Favorite Movie: Legends of the Fall

First Job: Office Cleaner in a Woodworking Shop

Hidden Talent: Incredibly gifted singer

Hobbies: Movies (watching and making), Music (listening and making), Acting, Cleaning his room (you heard right!)

Ministry Passion: Children and youth

What would your epitaph read? "Dwight Bennett...You had to know him...."

Three most influential people: My Dad, my Mom, my brothers.

Influential books: The Bible of course, Heartbreak and Triumph by Shawn Michaels, Under the Still Standing Sun by Dora Dueck

Best Gift: I've received a lot of great gifts in my life that could be classified as "best gift" but the one that stands out the most is a birthday card that played "The Final Countdown" by Europe.

Where in the world would you go? Ireland to see the Celtic Woman, or Christchurch, New Zealand to see Hayley Westenra.

Beginning on August 8, his office will be in B115 and his email will be rdmen@bethany.sk.ca.

We are happy to welcome Dwight to the Student Development Team!

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