Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lent is a time for listening

I am not by nature an early riser. It has been quite the joke in my family of origin because my middle name is "Dawn."

If given the choice and the space, I could still sleep in like the best of them, leisurely rising around mid-morning followed by brunch and several strong cups of coffee. These days, however, my morning starts between 7.00 and 8.00am and includes my own routine, Maddie's school checklist and sing-songs, the random ideas of Joshy-boy always at full-speed, Rob and his quiet patterns, and our bonus family member, Kaylee. Good times.

Back in my cow-milking days, I was up before 7.00 to go hand-milk 1-3 cows before breakfast. Yikes. My parents were convinced it was a plan to ensure I could be at least civil by the time the porridge hit the table. Not always successful.

Somewhere along the way, I took back the morning. (This is probably another whole post or reflection). So, I may not be an early riser on a consistent basis, but these days before my feet hit the floor, I grab gratitude, peace, and wisdom for the day from the One who generously provides. I pray breath prayers. I give up my day and myself to my Maker. And I start.

But back to today. Today I opened my eyes, awake, fully awake, and thinking clearly. I rolled over to see the clock, and it shocked me with a 5.30 reading. Seriously. Seriously?

First step, pray for my sister (because she lives in a different time zone).
Second, give up any concerns or stresses that might be rattling around in my head.
Third, snuggle back under the covers because my alarm is still set for just after 7.
Fourth......I am still awake.
Fifth, listen.

Then, an amazing and crazy idea popped into my head. And I bolted out of bed to write it down, to write an email. And now I am writing here.

And I was reminded.....Lent is a time for listening.

Listening to pray
Listening to surrender
Listening to rest
Listening to respond
Listening to create
Listening to act
Listening to encourage
Listening to challenge
Listening to share

Lent is a time for listening.

Maybe Lent is not so much about merely "subtraction",
about what we are in a rush to give up
candy, coffee, chocolate, unnecessary grumbling....
or even about "addition",
about what we take up because we ought
prayer, giving, service.....
but more about "multiplication"
through listening and obedience.

"O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayers
unto You I will look up" (Psalms 5).


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