Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Celebrating Bethany Traditions

Tradition. Tradition. (Hey Randy, a little salute to last April's concert choir event).

Do you know where certain Bethany traditions come from? Sometimes there are different even conflicting stories surrounding the origins. Like the Bushburger.....but I'll tell that story another day. Or why we sit at round tables in the cafeteria? Why did "Chapel" change to "Selah"? By the way, if you have questions, ask and I'll hunt down the history.

Gather round the armchair friends....Today, the story is about "Jean Friday."

In 1999-2000, my second year at Bethany, the third year class was looking for interesting ways to fundraise for their trip to South America (Peru I believe it was). And the ever-motivated, ever-change-things-for-the-better, and sometime outspoken Naomi Esau (now Petkau) approached the college about creating "Jean/Casual Friday" and people could donate $$$ to a jar for trip fundraising.

Now you might be thinking, what's the big deal? Doesn't everyone do Casual Friday? Doesn't every business have a jar for a charitable fundraiser? Yes, possibly now that is the case. But it was not that way at that time at Bethany. In fact, the general style of dress for faculty and staff was pretty formal in comparison to how it looks today. Many male faculty and administrative staff wore ties frequently, sports jackets, dress pants, sometimes even suits. The female faculty and staff were definitely to the formal side of "business attire" - dress pants, skirts, and clothes that generally required ironing. But definitely not jeans, except maybe on Youth Advance Work Bee. I don't sound bitter, do I? Did I mention I hate ironing?

I don't remember the whole process of how the change was implemented, but I do remember happily encouraging Naomi about her great idea. I do remember a jar of sorts in the reception office. I do remember wearing jeans EVERY FRIDAY with great delight. I do remember that students loved seeing the faculty and staff in their casual attire.

And by the next year, Jean Friday was a tradition. Now business office attire around Bethany looks a bit different these days. Khakis, sweaters, cords, and nary a tie, but I still love Jean Fridays. I don't know if every third year class took the chance to put out a jar, or when they turned to other fundraisers, but let me say "hear hear" to Nomi. I still think of you every now and again on a tired sort of Friday morning when I pull out my favorite jeans.

I expect Naomi is still a change agent. I hear she's into building and carpentry, projects, and investing in the future (there are some fine young Petkaus running around out in BC, I understand). Here's some words from Naomi herself from back in the day, straight from the Bethany Ray, Disciples edition 1999-2000, page 20 (credit the source!):

"As I look back on our years spent at Bethany, I am reminded of the many ways Bethany has influenced us and the many ways we have influenced Bethany.

I know God has used Bethany to change us and strengthen our relationships with him. Bethany has also given us a new desire to serve within our families, churches, communities, and world. It has expanded our skills in drama, music, sports, and leadership in order to serve better. I am confident that God will use each one of us to further his kingdom. I am grateful for how Bethany has influenced us and for things we can take with us.

We've also influenced Bethany in many ways. Bethany saw the biggest faculty and staff turnover during our years!? I can't explain this but it could be because during our freshmen year we almost abolished the term "freshmen rush" by our mediocre interest in relationships. Or it could have been because during junior year we ruled the school by getting highly involved in sports, drama, music, and leadership and then couldn't understand the concept that Genesis is not merely about creation. Maybe it was because in senior year we bet money on who could drink a jar of syrup (Toews!), or it could have been that we kidnapped the president on a sub run! Who knows?

What will matter when we leave Bethany is how God has drastically changed us into young men and women of God, what we will do what we have learned, and how we will influence the world like we've influenced Bethany.

I know our memories of each other will fade with age, but may our knowledge of God grow clearer and stronger for eternity. Thanks for all the "good times."

Adios, Naomi."

Well said my friend.

Till another story finds me,


PS Naomi, if you have a current family photo to share, I'll post it!

PS again for all current students - if you find any typos in my posts, I'll buy you a Pepsi. Grammar errors are exempt - I am blogging after all, not writing a paper.

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