Thursday, August 11, 2011

Athletic News

By Wes Enns

The gym eerily echoes every footstep, each ball bounce, the overhead fans turning slowly - it's empty, cold, dark. The arena too is dead, damp, cool and quiet. It's the off-season, the Eagles have gone and have not yet returned. All is in the waiting...

Soon, very soon, they will come back - the athletes, the fans, the coaches - and with them will come exuberance, excitement, slapshots, kicks, hoops and hops. Now it is anticipation, but it will soon be action. Now it is preparation, but it will soon be perspiration. The time is near...

Are you in? Are you ready? This year's Eagles Athletics seasons are about to begin, and we want to hear from you! Some things are changing - league play, Sunday games, home games and away games - but some things will remain the same - competition, character, development, the love of the game. Let us know if you want to be part of it all this year!

We're looking to put together Men's and Women's Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, and Basketball teams this year, as well as Men's Hockey. But we can't do it without you! Right now, we're finding and confirming the right coaches, but we also need to know how many of you are interested in playing for Bethany this year.

Volleyball is staying in the PAC League; Basketball, Soccer, and Hockey will participate in Saskatoon Rec Leagues, ensuring good competition and regular games. Due to this change, however, some tough decisions will need to be made for those athletes wanting to play more than one or two sports, and so we need your help.

If you want to play, send me an email - I would love to hear from you!

See ya soon!
Wes Enns
Athletics Director

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