Wednesday, July 13, 2011

News from MCI

By Lisa Braun

Did you hear Elya's news? She recently accepted a position as Residence Life Co-ordinator at Mennonite Collegiate Institute (MCI) in Gretna, MB.

LB: Elya, why are you heading off to Gretna?

EP: I feel like it's a natural next step after my internship at Bethany. I loved being the RD last year, and found it amazing that, essentially, spending time with people can be a job. I learned through things that went well and things that could have gone better more of what it means to be a caregiver and follower of Jesus. I am pumped for this opportunity to put what I've learned into practice at MCI!

LB: What are you expecting in your new role?

EP: I'm not totally sure what to expect. I'm mostly excited, but a decent amount of nervous as well. I'm expecting it to be a challenging year, but a good one. I am excited about the hanging out part, the possibility of helping with drama staff, and being able to spend time with an age group other than peers.

LB: What does a Residence Life Co-ordinator do?

EP: The job involves planning events, which is SO fun for me, and I get to do that and help the RA's do that. I also do a lot of supervision (homework time, extra-curricular activities, regular routines, snack, etc), working with RA's in general, taking care of student needs, being there to listen. Some other things, but those are the basics.

LB: When do you move?

EP: I'm moving at the end of August, and start the 31st. The first thing that happens is a weekend retreat, a professional development event. Students arrive about a week later, so then it's pretty much straight into it!

LB: What kind of team will you be a part of?

EP: There are 4 other residence life staff, two female and two male. The other female besides me is the supervisor, and the two guys have the same position as me.

LB: Anything else?

EP: An interesting tidbit! Bethany Players were there on tour in my first year (2008), and I remember meeting one of the female deans and totally admiring her and the job she was doing. I never thought about this or doing the job there until second semester this year (2011) that's kind of neat.

LB: All the best, Elya! We are very proud of you. Many blessings and much love from all of us at Bethany and in Student Development!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

News from Young Life Saskatoon

By Lisa Moran (with Calvin Rempel, Bethany 4th year BA student)

Greetings friends. I am just over 24 hours away from pulling out of Saskatoon for the inaugural trip to Rockridge Canyon with campers from Saskatoon (and excited to be making history!) I am being joined by another leader, Calvin Rempel, to travel with five kids from Confederation Park School to help them have the best week of their lives!

It's been a journey getting these five kids to camp, as B.C. is a long way from Saskatoon. We are excited about the kids we are bringing and anticipate a life-changing week.

Calvin and I are both asking people to pray for us while we are away. It is so crucial knowing there are people not only lifting us and kids up to God while we're away, but also cheering us on as we have both fantastic and challenging adventures this next week. I am driving my van to Calgary tomorrow, then join the group from Calgary on a bus on Thursday morning, and return back to Saskatoon on Thursday, July 21.

Please pray:
- for energy as I (Moran) have to drive part of the way, and as I am not as young as I used to be when taking kids to camp
- for my physical condition: I don't do well in the heart and I have also recently been nursing a repetitive stress injury in my foot and leg (which I'm getting aggressive chiropractic treatment for). I know that it will hinder me some but I really don't want it to draw unneeded attention to me while there
- for the hearts of each kid we're bringing
- for guidance as we walk alongside campers in our cabins, campers who may consider making a decision for Christ for the first time
- for a few financial loose ends - we have raised nearly all the money needed for the kids, but would still like to raise another $1000 - Please let me know if you feel led to help
- for Calvin who is spending a longer stretch of time at camp, serving in the cabins and with tech duties

Thanks to all the Bethany community for your ongoing friendship and support. Watch for an update after we've returned from camp, with some stories from us and some of the campers hopefully.

Lisa Moran
Area Director, Young Life Saskatoon

Ready for RD's

By Lisa Braun

Residence Directors are very important to Bethany campus life and the Student Development Team.

Just counted down - only 27 days until they come to campus!

Both Dwight Bennett and Adriana Schmidt enter into their new roles as interns, enrolled in Bethany's B.A. internship program. We look forward to their arrival and their contributions during the month of August and the year to come.

Here's a quick feature on Dwight. (One from Adriana to follow soon).

Name: Dwight Bennett

Bethany Involvements: Bethany Player 2008-2009, Chapel Band 2009-2010, Drama Committee Chair 2010-2011

Hometown: West St. Paul, Manitoba

Home Church: Eastview Community Church

Favorite Food: Pizza, of course

Favorite Bible Character: Samson

Favorite Bible Verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4.6.

Favorite Music Genre: 80's Hair Metal

Favorite Carbonated Beverage: Sprite

Favorite Movie: Legends of the Fall

First Job: Office Cleaner in a Woodworking Shop

Hidden Talent: Incredibly gifted singer

Hobbies: Movies (watching and making), Music (listening and making), Acting, Cleaning his room (you heard right!)

Ministry Passion: Children and youth

What would your epitaph read? "Dwight Bennett...You had to know him...."

Three most influential people: My Dad, my Mom, my brothers.

Influential books: The Bible of course, Heartbreak and Triumph by Shawn Michaels, Under the Still Standing Sun by Dora Dueck

Best Gift: I've received a lot of great gifts in my life that could be classified as "best gift" but the one that stands out the most is a birthday card that played "The Final Countdown" by Europe.

Where in the world would you go? Ireland to see the Celtic Woman, or Christchurch, New Zealand to see Hayley Westenra.

Beginning on August 8, his office will be in B115 and his email will be

We are happy to welcome Dwight to the Student Development Team!

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is Simunye?

By Lisa Braun

Find out here.

Simunye is the name for the MCC team in South Africa. You can find out what Spencer Nikkel, Matt Bergen, Rebecca Davies, Luke Heidebrecht (Associate Mission Director, Bethany Simunye Leader), and Myriam Ullah (MCC Simuye Leader) are doing from July 3-25.

This is an exciting partnership between Bethany College and MCC Sask (and Alberta) to offer this learning experience for young adults from various locations. Check it out and post comments for your friends!

Drop me a line about your summer adventures and we'll blog about it!

Blessings on your summer,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Important Dates for 2011-2012

First Semester:
Returning Student Arrival – Friday, September 2, 2011 by evening
Returning Student Orientation and Registration – Saturday, September 3
New Student Arrival – Sunday, September 4, beginning at 2pm
First Year Orientation – Monday, September 5
First Year Registration – Monday, September 5
Photo Day - Monday, September 5
First Day of Classes – Tuesday, September 6
Residence Orientation - Tuesday, September 6, 8.45pm
Drop/Add Deadline - Monday, September 12
Service Learning Trips Orientation - Spetember 20-21
Service Learning Trips - September 22-29
3rd Year Modular Week – September 24-29
Thanksgiving Break – October 7 (noon) – 10 (evening)
Day of Prayer – October 19
Fall Theatre Production - November 4-5
Term Break – November 10 (noon) – 13 (evening)
Christmas Concert - December 3-4
Last Selah (Chapel) – December 14
Last Day of Classes - December 15
Christmas Banquet - December 16
Winter Registration Session - December 16
Exams December 19-21 (noon) **
Christmas Break – December 21 (noon) – January 8 (evening)

**Please keep this in mind while making travel arrangements for Christmas break. The exam rescheduling fee is $50/exam.

Second Semester:
All Student Arrival - January 8, 2012 by evening
Modular Week - January 9-13
Regular Classes Begin – January 16
Drop/Add Deadline-Friday, January 27
Youth Advance—February 3-5
Youth Advance Rest Day – Monday, February 6 – see campus postings for lessons; evening classes meet as regularly scheduled
Winter Break – February 17 (noon) – 21 (evening)
Day of Prayer – March 14
Continuance of Study Session - March 27 at 11.15 am (Chapel)
Student Government Elections – March 26
Easter Break - April 5 (noon) - 9 (evening classes meet as regularly scheduled)
Last Selah (Chapel) – April 13
Last Day for Assignments - April 14
Last Day of Classes - April 16
Exams - April 17-19**
All Student Brunch, Survey, Grad Rehearsal, and Campus Clean-up Day - April 19
Year-End Party - April 20
Spring Concert - April 21
Grad Banquet - April 21
Commencement - April 22
Spring Tours – April 24 - May 8
Summer Break – April 23 (evening) – August 30