Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Face It by Josh Kehler

Josh is a first year student, who is in the Biblical Studies program.  He is from Plum Coulee Manitoba, and is an active part of Plum Coulee Bergthaler Church there.  He loves great coffee, thought-provoking conversations and learning about people's ideas.  He likes to challenge people in their thoughts about life and what they believe in and why. He has lots of energy and ideas.   His involvements this year include: STUCO First Year Rep, STUCO Green Committee member, Bethany Cafe barista, and Human Resource member. His favorite books of the Bible are Ecclesiastes and Job because they both are very unique and challenging.

 Face It
Josh Kehler

There are so many things that I could say about Bethany, ranging from the people, places, and events, but a key theme for me this semester has been about growth and change.  Something our President Howie Wall said to me on my very first day has stuck with me - “The first day is always the worst. The first week is always the worst. The first class and the first month are always the worst, but it always gets better.”

That saying has been on my heart because travelling from small town Manitoba to an unknown area to be with new people can be a challenging experience. The initial reaction is to hate the change and want to go home, to run back to that area of life that I know well and how it operates.  I’ve realized though, that I need to push myself, because this is how I grow. It is getting through the storm and remaining firm.  If you or I ran from every first experience, we wouldn’t be anywhere in life. It is about accepting the challenge that has been placed before us and achieving that goal. Paul writes in Philippians 3:14 that we are to press on towards the goal, to keep pressing on to win the price for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.  I want to challenge you with this encouragement to keep pushing yourself forward. Don’t let the fear of new things scare you but accept that challenge with courage because we are not facing it alone.

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