Monday, August 27, 2012

Opening Day Schedule 2012

Opening Day Schedule 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
2:00pm                 Arrival at Bethany College

·         Go to the main Ad Building, enter the building through the front glass doors, where some friendly student leaders and Bethany staff will be ready to assist new students.

·         Student leaders will also be present throughout the residence to assist new students with unpacking, etc.

·         The Business Office is open to receive payment and to field questions (Office A121).

2:45pm                 Coffee and Snacks

·         Doors open to the Chapel.

·         Help yourself to food and drink, visit, or take a seat in Chapel (A103).

·         Various College staff will be present to visit and answer questions.
3:00pm                Parent Orientation

·         Take your seats in the Chapel (A103) for seating any time between 2:45pm and 3:00pm.  Various College staff will be present to bring information and answer questions.

·         Coffee and snacks available at the back.

4:45pm                Campus Tour

·         Immediately following Parent Orientation (chapel)

·         Business Office open until 5:15pm

5:15pm                 Supper

·         Parents and family members of new students are welcome to stay on campus for supper in the newly renovated kitchen/cafeteria(B100) for the cost of $6.50/person.  Please RSVP to me at with your name and number of guests before Friday, August 31, at noon.

6:15pm                 First Year Event

·         Following the supper, all new students have an event in the Courtyard starting at 6:15pm, so please plan to leave campus at or before this time.


College Calendar Events

Click on Events to find the College Calendar.  Note: This is a Google Calendar – so you will find a button at the bottom of the calendar, click on the “Add calendar” icon to keep handy for future reference.

First Semester:
New Student Arrival – Sunday, September 2, beginning at 2pm
First Year Orientation – Monday, September 3
First Year Registration – Monday, September 3
First Day of Classes – Tuesday, September 4
Photo Day - Tuesday, September 4
Residence Orientation - Tuesday, September 4, 8.45pm
Drop/Add Deadline - Monday, September 10
Service Learning Modules- Tuesday, September 18- Thursday, September 27
Thanksgiving Break – October 5 (noon) – 8 (evening)
Day of Prayer – October 24
Term Break – November 9 (noon) – 12 (evening)
Christmas Concert Joyful Noise- December 1
Last Selah (Chapel) – December 12
Last Day of Classes - December 13
Last Day for Assignments - December 15
Winter Registration Session - December 14
Exams December 17- 19
Christmas Break – December 19 (noon) – January 6 (evening)

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