Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Associate Pastor of Family Life in Killam, AB

Associate Pastor Required

Killam Baptist Church/Forestburg Community Baptist Church invites applications for the full time position of Associate Pastor of Family Life.

The successful candidate will devote his time, energy, and God given gifts towards assisting parents in the discipleship of their children/young adults in becoming mature followers of Jesus Christ.

We are an inter-generational, Baptist General Conference, set of churches whose mission is, “To love Jesus, teach biblical truth, and reach people for Christ.” We are located in a rural setting, 45 minutes east of Camrose and about 1 ½ hours outside of Edmonton, Alberta.

We are looking for a dynamic man of God who is capable of developing and implementing a ministry plan for our youth/young adult work that will support our overall vision.

For more information please email killampastorsearch@live.com or check our website at www.killambaptistchurch.ca

Youth Pastor in Elm Creek, MB

Elm Creek Mennonite Brethren Church,  (elmcreekmb.com),  seeks a full-time Youth Pastor who is highly relational with faith, education, Bible knowledge and enthusiasm to lead our youth ministry.  We are a rural church of about 200 with a youth of 50 or more 30 minutes SW of Winnipeg.  Contact Ken Thielmann at thielmann@pmcnet.ca or phone 204-436-2211.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Arrival Details 2012

Arrival Details 2012

Sunday, August 26- 31- Student Leadership Training Week
Friday, August 31- Student Leader Registration at 1:00pm
Friday, August 31- Returning Students Arrive- 6:30pm- 9:00pm (Supper is not provided)
Saturday, September 1- General Orientation for All Returning Students- 8:30am
Saturday, September 1- Registration for Returning Students- 9:15am
Sunday, September 2- First Year Students Arrive- 2:00pm
Sunday, September 2- Parents Orientation- 2:45pm
Monday, September 3- General Orientation for First Year Students- 8:30am
Monday, September 3- Registration for First Year Students- 9:45am
Tuesday, September 4- Picture Day

If you have any more questions please email sdassistant@bethany.sk.ca

Opening Day Schedule 2012

Opening Day Schedule 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
2:00pm                 Arrival at Bethany College

·         Go to the main Ad Building, enter the building through the front glass doors, where some friendly student leaders and Bethany staff will be ready to assist new students.

·         Student leaders will also be present throughout the residence to assist new students with unpacking, etc.

·         The Business Office is open to receive payment and to field questions (Office A121).

2:45pm                 Coffee and Snacks

·         Doors open to the Chapel.

·         Help yourself to food and drink, visit, or take a seat in Chapel (A103).

·         Various College staff will be present to visit and answer questions.
3:00pm                Parent Orientation

·         Take your seats in the Chapel (A103) for seating any time between 2:45pm and 3:00pm.  Various College staff will be present to bring information and answer questions.

·         Coffee and snacks available at the back.

4:45pm                Campus Tour

·         Immediately following Parent Orientation (chapel)

·         Business Office open until 5:15pm

5:15pm                 Supper

·         Parents and family members of new students are welcome to stay on campus for supper in the newly renovated kitchen/cafeteria(B100) for the cost of $6.50/person.  Please RSVP to me at lbraun@bethany.sk.ca with your name and number of guests before Friday, August 31, at noon.

6:15pm                 First Year Event

·         Following the supper, all new students have an event in the Courtyard starting at 6:15pm, so please plan to leave campus at or before this time.


College Calendar Events

Click on Events to find the College Calendar.  Note: This is a Google Calendar – so you will find a button at the bottom of the calendar, click on the “Add calendar” icon to keep handy for future reference.

First Semester:
New Student Arrival – Sunday, September 2, beginning at 2pm
First Year Orientation – Monday, September 3
First Year Registration – Monday, September 3
First Day of Classes – Tuesday, September 4
Photo Day - Tuesday, September 4
Residence Orientation - Tuesday, September 4, 8.45pm
Drop/Add Deadline - Monday, September 10
Service Learning Modules- Tuesday, September 18- Thursday, September 27
Thanksgiving Break – October 5 (noon) – 8 (evening)
Day of Prayer – October 24
Term Break – November 9 (noon) – 12 (evening)
Christmas Concert Joyful Noise- December 1
Last Selah (Chapel) – December 12
Last Day of Classes - December 13
Last Day for Assignments - December 15
Winter Registration Session - December 14
Exams December 17- 19
Christmas Break – December 19 (noon) – January 6 (evening)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Assoicate Pastor Position in Unity, SK

Unity Baptist Church in Unity, Saskatchewan is currently seeking an Associate Pastor of Family Ministries who will be primarily ministering to children, youth, young adults, and their families. To see full job description, check out www.febcast.ca.

1.    Interested applicants should send a Fellowship Pastor’s Profile to the Unity Baptist Church’s Search Committee

a.    by email at unitybaptistchurch@sasktel.net or

b.    by mail to The Unity Baptist Church Search Committee, Box 112, Unity, Saskatchewan, S0K 4L0.

2.    The Fellowship Profiles can be obtained from the FEBCAST Ministry Centre.  Please email Cheryl@febcast.ca or check our Website www.febcast.ca to apply on line. [Phone: 780-451-4878 Fax: 780-439-4870])

Check Out Jobs from the MB Herald

the MB Herald has launched a new and much more user-friendly job tool. Check it out at: http://jobs.mbherald.com/

ESL Teaching Position - Guatemala

Global Shore Opportunities
Looking to do overseas missions?
Want to grow in the Lord?
Want to learn Spanish?
Love teaching kids?

Come serve with Global Shore for a year of teaching English in our Christian school located in Guatemala.

- Someone who loves the Lord Jesus
- Someone who has a teaching aptitude
- Someone who loves kids
ESL certification is not required.

- Full time ESL position teaching at the CCAF school
- Fundraising required for the year long position (between $6-7,000 for the year, including a monthly stipend paid to you)
We will coordinate your living arrangements and provide training for your year with us.

For more information

Job Posting in Foam Lake, SK

Gospel Fellowship Church (MB) of Faom Lake, a multigenerational congregation of about 80 is seeking its next pastor. We are praying for a shepherd with a heart for preaching, teaching and outreach. Interest in camp ministry would be an asset.
Please send your resume to: tknicholls@yourlink.ca or phone Tom at (306) 272-3275.