Monday, January 16, 2012

The Lord Will Provide
by Kaylee Buhler

When I was young and foolish (only five short years ago!) I got my first tattoo. Three inches long, scrawled across my left calf, in Hebrew, it reads: The Lord Will Provide. I was inked at a time in my life when I was worrying a lot about finances—specifically how I was going to pay for my post-secondary education. Well, let me tell you, spending seventy dollars on this permanent reminder sure didn’t help my money problem! However, it has caused me to remember, time and time again, that The Lord Will Provide.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about God’s provision in my life—in more ways than just financial. To name a few, He’s provided me with a wonderful place to live, a job I love, great friends, a wonderful family (the newest addition being a three month old nephew!), and so many other things that would take more than the 400 words I was given here! However, one way that God has provided stands out above the rest.

Let me tell you a little story that takes place a little over four years ago. I am driving with three friends from Bethany to Manitoba (where my parents live) for Christmas break. We’re tired, visibility is poor and it’s late. Around nine o’clock, on the Trans Canada Highway, somewhere between Whitewood and Moosomin, a semi is jackknifed across the road. Let’s pause this story for a second and continue with a different one.

Sometime around nine o’clock in the evening, on a farm between Boissevain and Killarney, Manitoba, my mom is home wrapping a CD player she bought for my cassette playing Dodge Neon. All of a sudden, she has a vision that she’s back at the store, begging them to let her return it because her daughter was in a fatal semi accident. Then, she snaps back to reality and hits her knees praying.

Back to story one. My Dodge Neon flies into the front of the semi at 100 kilometers an hour. Sitting in the passenger seat, I take the brunt of the blow.

Story two. The phone rings. On the other end, my mom hears a stranger telling her that her daughter was just in a car accident. The ambulance is on its way, but she is going to be fine.

An act of God, a concussion, a nasty gash to the head and fifteen stitches (without freezing, I might add!) later my dad was sitting beside me at Moosomin Union Hospital, ready to take me home and celebrate Christmas as a family—all members alive and decently well.

I know this story sounds more like one of God’s protection than His provision, but for me, it was all about provision. At that point in my life, I would have been happy if that semi accident would have been fatal. I was furious with God for months afterwards for giving up such an obvious opportunity. Now, I realize that this was God’s way of opening my eyes to the fact that He wasn’t done with me yet. There was still more He wanted to do in and through my life. He provided me with the realization of my significance to Him—and a sweet scar to always remind me!

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