Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Looking for Work?

By Lisa Braun

Are you still looking for work? Or know someone who is? Me too.

This topic had almost become a hobby for me each spring - helping match up students and employers. So this year in April, I set up a facebook page called Lisa's Job Posting Page as an "event" that is ongoing. My objective has been to more effectively share information that people keep telling or asking me: "Lisa, do you know someone who would want to work at....(fill in the blank about the position)?"or "Lisa, have you heard of any good jobs in.....(fill in the blank about the type of work)?"

I post things that I see in the local papers, in magazines I read, from things that get emailed to me at the College, and from any stuff that friends pass along, etc.

Special thanks to any and all who share job openings via any means with me! Three of my latest posts come courtesy of the lovely Dana (Barrand) Krushel, thanks Dana!

Here is the link to the facebook page:

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