Monday, July 19, 2010

The Blue Jays lost to the Red Sox, Spain’s playing the Netherlands in World Cup soccer, Carl and Charlie are napping and in respite from the constant rain, it’s sunny and hot outside.  This, the third day of warmth in a row, and I finally have to water my flowering plants outside. Coughing up phlegm, I come inside to write this Blog post that is already four days late.  Having allergies, something that inhibited my late teens and early twenties, hardly concerns me now except for the blooming canola that gets me every year.  It started two weeks ago, full sinuses and a tickly cough, that’s when I knew that despite the horridly wet and cold weather, God had intervened and the canola crop, that did not look like it would make it was growing. The perseverance of nature to grow and emerge in its time, reminds me of God’s perseverance in his love for us and his desire for us to be mentored to his will.  Even in the rain and the cold cloudy weather, God was at work in the seed to push it to germination and sprout to flower.  What shall the Lord do in us through this summer depends on our willingness to endure the wet and cloudy seemingly unhelpful days of our summer, to discover that through it all we really have learned to flower in his presence.

I have been pondering the process of education lately.  Surely stimulated by my recent studies at the U of S.  But, what keeps us learning?  Why do I forget things I once knew, promises, truths, ways of doing things?  I was told that, while in voice training, I shouldn’t take any time off but continue to train, listen to music and learn repertoire until the degree is finished or I will be behind as the knowledge compounds and accelerates to culminate in what I will need to know at the close of the degree.  Biblical training is the same.  Why can’t we get all the knowledge that Bethany classes offer in our own churches and Sunday school teaching?  Perhaps because nowhere else is the persistent and concentrated study of the Word so encouraged, admired, pushed and deemed the ‘cool’ thing to do.  It is the daily work in the Word to understand, and pursue truth that ingrains it in our hearts and changes how we act.  We can’t leave important learning for six days (or in my case years) to sit and slowly degrade unused and un-stimulated.  Like the perseverance of nature we must persevere in our study of God and scripture memorization past the school session and into summer and beyond so that all we would grow to be all that God has for us in this life.  It has to continue on, even if the intensity is lessened or we will forget.  (cough! cough! COUOUGH!!) Just scared Carl and Charlie so bad I jumped too. No one has scored in the soccer game though the orange guys, no the navy guys have the ball.  Anyway, even in our wet and dry seasons of life let’s not let up in our perseverance for God. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” PS. 119:11.  And see you all in September.  Oh! I have some incredible costumes-sets-props to show you, but that’s another story.

Bye for now,

Susan J Schmidt Goerz

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Introducing the Assistant Food Services Director....

By Lisa Braun

We are pleased to announce that Kayleigh (Willms) Klassen is joining the Bethany team in fall 2010 as Assistant Food Services Director.

Highlights from Kayleigh's Journey:
  • Went to Nicaragua with Youth for Christ on a missions trip - 2006.
  • Decorated cakes at Cakes G'lore, Saskatoon - 2005-2010.
  • Graduated from Hepburn High School - 2007.
  • Volunteering at Hepburn MB Church as a Junior Youth Sponsor - 2010-present.
  • Recently married to Brendan Klassen - July 17, 2009.
  • Building a house in Hepburn - 2010.

Interesting Facts about Kayleigh:

  • Loves to go camping.
  • Has a passion to work with kids.
  • Is excited to work at Bethany in a God-filled atmosphere.
  • Loves to go out for dessert!

If you have any questions for Kayleigh about her interests, cake decorating, recipes, ministry experiences, or life in Hepburn, drop me a line (, and we'll get her email address up when she is fully on campus for fall. She is working a few shifts during sports camps if you want to stop by and meet her. Glad to have you here Kayleigh!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Textbook Lists

Greetings from the Bethany Bookstore! We invite you to access the Fall 2010 course and textbook listings on the Nuskule website. Books will be available at fall registration.
  • The URL for Nuskule is as follows:
  • There you will see a listing of schools on the left side of your browser screen under "Categories."
  • Click on "Bethany College-Fall 2010" which will lead you to our course listings.
  • Click on the individual courses to see the text listings/prices (as of today) for that particular course. These listings may not all be complete & things will be added as we receive more info from faculty.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Knowing God

By Colin Willms

I don’t often find myself drifting towards the book of Judges in my devotions. However, this sometimes depressing, yet surprisingly encouraging book has left me to ponder a nugget of truth that has reaffirmed my time spent at Bethany and has given an even clearer meaning to the work I do here.

If we think back to Gil’s Intro to the Bible class, we can all correctly answer the keyword for Judges...anybody...anybody? Yes, it is indeed cycles. Most of us are familiar with the cycle of sin that the Israelites encounter repeatedly. But there was something unfamiliar that struck me when I read Judges 2. It says in verse 10 that “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel”. Now I know that this was the next generation (and I’m not talking Star Trek), but I find it hard to believe that the Israelites did not know the Lord as I’ve often read it. That is, that they would have never heard Him being spoken of. The passing on of stories was in fact the custom of the early Israelite culture. So to the concordance I went (thank you Intro to Biblical Interpretation).

This word "knew" is Yada’ in Hebrew and is used throughout much of the Old Testament. It is in fact the same word that Pharaoh uses when talking to Moses and Aaron when he fails to acknowledge the God of Israel. You can be sure that Pharaoh has indeed heard of this God; many of his slaves were worshipping this God in his land. In the same way, in Judges 2, these Israelites were fully aware of who God was. The Hebrew Yada’ means to be acquainted with, to be revealed, to have the knowledge of, to know by experience. This new generation in verse 10 was fully aware of God via the oral stories passed on by their fathers. What they lacked was the experiential relationship with the living God. Unfortunately, the verses following verse 10 (which I encourage you to read) describe what happened when the Israelites failed to cultivate that relationship.

As I read this chapter in my devotions, it occurred to me that this was not a situation unique to the Israelites. I think all of us at some point have that decision to make whether we are going to acknowledge the God that we’ve heard about in church, or from our parents, or at camp. As we face challenges in our life, we realize that simply believing what our parents believed doesn’t quite work. We need that experience, that revealing, that acquaintance with God that can only come from a personal relationship with Him.

The Bethany community encouraged this opportunity for me. I didn’t always understand why I needed to invest all this time and money into four years at a school, but I am indeed grateful for it. No longer being surrounded 24/7 by Christian friends and facing new challenges outside the Bethany walls has forced me to not only rely on what I learned during my time but on the person of Jesus and my relationship with Him.

I’m not sure where you are at, but Judges 2 is a great reminder of what can happen when we become complacent and allow our hearts to harden towards God. Sometimes it isn’t even a conscious choice and is extremely hard to recognize while we’re in it. But let’s not take our relationship with God lightly. Find that place where you feel alive in Him, where you are growing, and where you can truly know Him.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Looking for Work?

By Lisa Braun

Are you still looking for work? Or know someone who is? Me too.

This topic had almost become a hobby for me each spring - helping match up students and employers. So this year in April, I set up a facebook page called Lisa's Job Posting Page as an "event" that is ongoing. My objective has been to more effectively share information that people keep telling or asking me: "Lisa, do you know someone who would want to work at....(fill in the blank about the position)?"or "Lisa, have you heard of any good jobs in.....(fill in the blank about the type of work)?"

I post things that I see in the local papers, in magazines I read, from things that get emailed to me at the College, and from any stuff that friends pass along, etc.

Special thanks to any and all who share job openings via any means with me! Three of my latest posts come courtesy of the lovely Dana (Barrand) Krushel, thanks Dana!

Here is the link to the facebook page:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Returning to Student Development....

By Lisa Braun

We are pleased to announce the return of Randi Rempel to the Student Development Department. Randi comes with two years of quality experience with our team, one as an intern in the residence, and one as a staff member in residence leadership along with department administration.

Highlights from Randi's Journey:
  • Thinking about coming back to Saskatchewan.
  • Fastball coach, Manitoba, 2010.
  • Spending time with her family in Manitoba, the States, etc, 2010.
  • Tax office administrative support, 2010.
  • Travel to England, Ireland, etc, 2009.
  • Daycare Worker, 2009.
  • Student Development Assistant, Staff, Bethany College, 2008-2009.
  • Student Development Intern, Bethany College, 2007-2008.
  • BA, Bethany College, 2008.
Interesting Facts about Randi:

  • She knows more about Bethany life and culture than most people you'd meet.
  • She loves children and the joy and surprises they bring. She will be a well-loved caregiver to the Braun and Carey children part-time for the coming year as well.
  • She is a fabulous Greek student (ask Randy Klassen).
  • Her favorite stops in Saskatoon include: Las Palapas, Chianti's, and Tim Horton's.
  • If you want to make her happy, take her to a bookstore (Indigo, McNally, Parables, etc.).
  • She is a fine fastball player.

If you have any questions, comments, or words of welcome for Randi, drop me a line at Randi starts works on August 9 and we'll post her email address once she is on campus.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The President has arrived....

By Lisa Braun

Howie Wall, our new President, is on deck! He has been officially settling into his office since Friday, July 2. He has selected a peaceful time to begin reading, listening, and preparing for the new year and his new role.

Highlights from Howie's Journey:

  • Director, Operations and Maintenance, University of Saskatchewan, 2004-2010.

  • Financial and Operational Analyst, University of Saskatchewan, 2003-2004.

  • Operational Auditor, University of Saskatchewan, 1993-2003.

  • MBA, University of Saskatchewan, 1991.

  • Assistant Residence Manager, University of Saskatchewan, 1981-1993.

  • BA, University of Saskatchewan, 1981.

  • Diploma, Columbia Bible Institute (now College), 1978.

Interesting Facts about Howie:

Howie enjoys golf, reading, and gardening. His favorite restaurants include: The Spaghetti Factory, Sardinia's, and Kelsey's on 8th. He likes serving on boards and committees, and has many years of experience in church, conference, and college settings. He is married to Judy.

If you would like to connect with Howie, contact him via Ruth at the main Bethany office number, or email with your comments, questions, or words of welcome. Feel free to stop by the campus and say "Hello" to him (or any other Bethany team members, who are happily working away during the quieter month of July). P.S. Slurpees always welcome, says LB.

Introducing Luke....

By Lisa Braun

We are pleased to announce that Luke Heidebrecht is joining the Bethany team in fall 2010 as Associate Missions Director (half-time).

Highlights from Luke's Journey:

  • Recently married to Myriam Ullah on July 2, 2010.

  • Co-faciliated Films for Change, MCC initiative at Bethany with STUCO, 2009-2010.

  • Worked with Ian Eaton and bees, Summer 2010 (and many summers previous).

  • In process on studies for MTh in Contextual Missiology, International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague.

  • MBMSI MIT Institute, Abbotsford, and ACTS studies, 2008-2009.

  • MBMSI GAP Internship (India), 2007-2008.

  • BA in Intercultural Studies, Bethany College, 2007.

  • Bethany College Epsilon Chi award winner, 2007.

Interesting Facts about Luke:

He enjoys Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, strategy board games, engaging conversation about theological topics, building relationships, and learning.

If you have any questions for Luke about his interests, background, topics in missiology, or the Intercultural Studies program at Bethany, drop me a line for now (, and we'll get his email address up when he is officially on campus. Watch for more updates on new Bethany Team members coming soon.....