Monday, June 28, 2010

POI Tour Update

By Katie Pauls

So off we went, fifteen team members, two vans, instruments and a ton of pillows and bags. I don't think that any of us realized how much we would learn in the upcoming two weeks. We had many team bonding times and some of the highlights were going to Bath and Body Works in the St. Vidal mall, trying to find an owl in every billet's house, beat boxing battles, and making friends with each other.
Personally, I came ready for the trip with a stomach housing both excitement and butterflies. I felt ready to sing on stage and show each church how much God loves them and how incredibly awesome his grace is. My goal was to be a servant wherever we went and to pour out Jesus into other people's lives. I realized, however, that my vault of strength, joy and energy was running on empty sooner then I thought.
It was around the time of our second deputation that all of the lyrics of the songs, the words of scripture, and the Spirit of God impacted me the strongest. I was short on sleep, I was beginning to wonder how I would handle living in a van for two weeks, and I knew that my relationship with God was not where it could have been. During that service, God reminded me that though my intentions for the trip were good, they were impossible to accomplish without his help. How we would look on stage, whether the congregation would accept what we had to say, and whether we would see God working in the church were all the wrong things to be wondering about. God gently told me that he was working in each of these churches; He had invited us to be a part of that work and no matter how we looked or sounded, He was the one who deserved the glory and the honour. In him, all things held together on that trip. Fortunately, they are still being held together and will continue to be in his hands for eternity. What a God we serve!

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