Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Director of Worship in Airdrie, AB

Director of Worship of Grace Baptist Church in Airdrie, Alberta
Objective: The Director of Worship will be responsible for leading congregational worship and directing those involved in the worship service every week.

 Specific Roles

1.   Plan the weekly services in conjunction with the Senior Pastor to develop thematically congruent times of corporate worship each Sunday.

2.   Establish teams of musicians and vocalists to serve on a rotational basis under the leadership of the Worship Pastor as primary leader of each team.

3.   Consistently lead musical component of the worship service with excellence using full teams.

4.   Develop and Implement a process of assimilation for those wanting to serve in the worship ministry which includes an application, an audition and integration plan.

5.   Incorporate Instruments as they are available into some of the worship teams.

6.   Incorporate special music into the worship services using soloists, ensembles, and seasonal choirs.

7.   Creative Catalyst – the Worship Pastor will be thinking ahead and will work hard to incorporate creativity into the worship services using video, drama, readings, stage-set-up, lighting to help enhance and create an environment that draws people to focus on God.

1.   Administrate all aspects of corporate worship.

2.   Responsible to oversee Sound and Computer Personnel.

3.   Stage set-up and aesthetics each week.

4.   Plan and prepare to launch an additional service within the next 18 months which would be unique in its sound and presentation.

5.   Help develop prayer initiatives within Grace.

The Director of Worship will fulfill other responsibilities according to giftedness, passion, training and experience. This aspect of his portfolio will be determined in consultation with the Senior and Executive Pastor.

Vision for corporate worship at Grace:

 We envision a worship environment that is dynamic and energized where people anticipate encountering God’s presence each Sunday morning at Grace. We envision people from all nations, backgrounds, and generations worshipping together in Spirit and truth. Our desire is that we could celebrate God’s goodness and grace each week when we meet together for worship, and that this would be realized in an upbeat, celebratory atmosphere to begin each service. We would desire a worship Pastor who is authentic and genuine and who can confidently lead our congregation in worship through song and other corporate worship elements. We want to see the congregation engaged in corporate worship. As such the songs selected will be truly ‘singable’, that is they will be sung in keys that the majority of the congregation can follow and will have melodies that are memorable and repeatable for the average person in our congregation. We envision the front rows full of youth worshipping together with the congregation as our church grows and matures. We anticipate people coming to faith in Christ through the ministries of our church and joining in exuberant worship for what Christ has done in their lives. We pray and ask God that we could see people baptized every quarter and that this would become a regular occurrence in the corporate celebration services of Grace.

We desire that the worship services would be a safe place for us to invite seekers and sojourners who are ‘on the way’ in their faith journey where they can encounter the power and presence of God within the dynamic of corporate worship -  for ‘God inhabits the praises of His people’.

Ultimately our corporate worship services have one main purpose – to glorify God. Through excellence in preparation and leadership we desire that God would be lifted up and exalted and that the servants of the Lord would fade into the background as people connect with God, with one another and with our community when we gather to worship together.

May God direct and guide us toward this vision.

Lead Pastor in Winnipeg, MB

Lead Pastor
Elmwood MB Church

Situated in the heart of Elmwood we are Winnipeg’s original MB church, with an average attendance of 235. We desire to “reflect God’s presence through our worship, work & witness”.   Having recently completed a refocusing process we are ready to move forward to be Christ’s hands and feet in our local and respective communities.  We are looking for a pastor who will lead our church into the next chapter of its mission.  This individual is:

·         passionate about preaching God’s Word and seeing people live holy lives.

·         missional in mindset, able to inspire and equip the church to be bold in sharing God’s message of hope.

·         relational, enjoying people of every generation and caring deeply about their spiritual needs.

·         a team player who is willing to take responsibility as the team leader.

If these qualities resonate with you and you sense God’s call, please send your resume and cover letter to or mail to Pastoral Search Committee, Elmwood MB Church, 145 Henderson Hwy., Winnipeg MB R2L 1L4.  A full job description is posted at

17th Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office Student Seminar

17th Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office Student Seminar
October 25-27

“Where do we go from here; Internally Displaced, Refugees, Migrants.”
The number of IDPs, refugees, and migrants continues to grow at an alarming rate, due to climate change, armed conflict, and economic hardship. Many nations find they are either becoming the receivers of refugees, experiencing decreased populations because of migration for economic reasons, or facing the challenges of IDPs because of climate change and/or armed conflict. Each country has its own story and Christ also has a unique plan of redemption for these stories. At the seminar we will explore the root causes and issues facing the worlds IDPs, Refugees, and Migrants. As well as seek out Christ’s vision for these beloved people.

MCC Saskatchewan offers a bursary for one student from Saskatchewan to attend this conference.  If you are interested please fill out the following application form and send it to   The deadline for applications is September 19th, 2012 and the successful applicant will be notified by September 26th.  For More information on MCC UN and the Annual Student Seminar please visit
If you would like the application please email

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bethany Photo Day

Bethany Photo Day
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

8:30- Second Years
9:10- Third & Forth Years
9:50- First Years 1B
(and any 2nd -4th years who were in class during first photo shoot)
11:15- First Years 1A

Please arrive promptly.
  • Please come 5 minutes in advance
Please dress appropriately.
  • No brand mark logos on clothing
  • No ball caps or bandanas
  • No Jerseys
  • Solid colour clothing is recommended

Registration Info

From the Finance office: Canadian privacy policy precludes us from divulging financial info to parents. If you wish to have a statement sent to your parents, you as the student must come to the finance office to request it.

ALERT: if you have applied for a student loan or are planning to do so, you need to bring your social insurance number card or Canada revenue agency notice of assessment to Registration. This is new procedure that we are required to follow.