Monday, December 12, 2011

Female First Year Rep

My name is Jennae Marriott and I am in my first year at Bethany College. And in many ways, my life has been dramatically altered since the moment I stepped on campus three months ago. Surprisingly it is already almost the end of the first semester, and everything has moved and changed so quickly.
Have you ever been on the highway once the sun had gone down, without anybody around? That eerie, yet peaceful moment when you can see nothing but the few feet in front of you illuminated by your headlights? There is no telling what could be a mile in front of you, and no guarantee at what will greet you at your destination. This I like to compare with my life, and only recently since being here had I seen the effects of this. My life is that highway, and so often God has come along side me in order to assure me that the path I’m taking is where I am meant to be, though I can only see the few feet in front of me. Yet God has proven that his light is so much greater, and he has a plan and a destination waiting for me. Bethany has made this journey to be much more calming and reassuring as God has taken the driver seat and I’ve made such amazing friends who have joined along.

I was elected to be the female first year rep on Bethany STUCO, and I have never been more grateful for a leadership position. In the past few months, the ability to be a part of a team in which everybody brings such fresh and exciting ideas to the table, yet still takes the time to really care for one another and the student body as a whole has been incredible. It has taken me head first into the community that Bethany encourages and promotes in its students.

My biggest passion in life is the relational side of life. Loving and caring for the people around me and being able to talk about concerns, cares and comments surrounding life and school gives me great joy. The community at Bethany stretches and tugs at every string to pull people toward deep friendships and great communication with one another. These friendships have led me to get in touch with amazing examples Jesus and his love. Teachers and students alike are ready to jump up and lend a helping hand when something or someone is down.

Each day new struggles pour themselves out as I continue to grow, and each day new joys and successions are waiting to be uncovered. I am heavily involved in much of the music at school and this has led me to such amazing relationships with new people. My voice teacher and friend, Susan Goerz, has poured out God’s spirit of love, patience, kindness and faithfulness, as have many of the teachers. Pushing and prodding each student to grow and learn with each step, no matter how small or large they may be.

So for every turn of the wheel and every push forward, stories are created, relationships are built, and teachers are cheering from the side. Only five months left and many more turns left in the road.