Friday, June 3, 2011

From the office of Lisa Braun

Dear Students,

We miss you all, and are shocked by how fast May slipped by us. For me, I mark the start of the new year after June board meetings. Those meetings start tonight. So now we look ahead to the 2011-2012 year. Wild!

What are you all up to? Hope it's good, exciting, challenging, growing, learning, serving, loving kinds of things.

Some important news here, so read on....

It is with pleasure that I announce several new hires at Bethany College for the coming year! Drum roll please!

As of June 1, Cliff Brandes begins as Alumni and Donor Relations Field Representative. Cliff is well acquainted with Bethany, after sending his three children here, and then last year, attending a first year student (often found at a favourite table in the cafeteria). Cliff is well suited for this role having spent his previous career in client services within the financial industry. His love for people and his love for the College fit well as he serves the supporting community of the College in this role.

As of July 1, Randi Rempel will be the new Associate Dean of Women. Randi is very familiar with this place, and understands the unique role that Student Development has at Bethany. Randi comes to this role with a great love for you after her great year as Student Development Assistant, and contributing to big picture strategic developments in our department (Personal Discernment Process, on-line survey, retention work, young alumni data work, mentoring placements, and more). Her passion for working with RAs, mentoring students, and teamwork will be a welcome addition to the team.

As of August 1, Wes Enns will be the new Athletics Director. Wes comes to us during a sabbatical year from Rosslyn Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. (This is where Adriana went to high school!) Wes graduated from Bethany in 1992 with a Diploma of Biblical Studies. From there, he went on to get a B.Ed from U of M with a double major in Physical Education and English Literature, and, most recently, a Masters in Leadership from the Pan Africa Christian University in Nairobi. Wes will focus attention on the changing dynamics of our Athletics Department and help us bring it into even greater alignment with our Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. He will also lead Youth Advance Committee, and serve in other areas of teaching and coaching. His wife Jeannie is alumn material as well, and they will move into the campus house behind the gym, with their three children Ezra (12), Isaiah (10), and Julia (5).
Please welcome and pray for them as they make transitions, large and small, to enter into their new roles and places of influence!

Have good summer adventures! Here's Rob and I on the SkyTrain in Vancouver in May, the kids were right at the front peering out the window, so they are not pictured here! And I am off for another big trip in 10 sleeps!
